our projects

Our Vision for the Future of Affordable Housing

At Juliana’s Affordable Housing Solutions, we are always looking ahead. While we currently don’t have active projects in development, we remain deeply committed to our mission of providing sustainable, affordable housing to underserved communities.

We are currently working to raise funds to participate in the DC Government’s PADD (Property Acquisition and Disposition Division) program. This initiative would allow us to dedicate resources to affordable housing development, but we need funding to make it a reality.

We are actively exploring potential opportunities to grow and reduce the rate of homelessness, ensuring that more individuals and families have access to safe, stable, and affordable housing. Our focus is on creating housing solutions that integrate green building practices, promote community engagement, and foster long-term sustainability.

Stay tuned for exciting updates as we plan our next steps to make a lasting impact on affordable housing and help those most in need.

Get Involved

Even though we don’t have current projects underway, you can still support our mission by contributing to our ongoing efforts. Whether through donations, partnerships, or volunteering, your support will help pave the way for future developments and drive us closer to eliminating homelessness in our communities. 

A Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we plan to do. Our goal is to integrate green building practices to reduce environmental impact, lower energy consumption, and promote long-term resilience. We are currently working toward incorporating sustainability into all our developments, including:

  • Solar Energy Systems

    We aim to power communal spaces with solar panels to reduce energy costs for residents and lower carbon emissions.

  • Energy-Efficient Appliances

    We plan to install ENERGY STAR® certified appliances and energy-efficient lighting and windows, helping residents conserve energy and reduce utility costs.

  • Eco-Friendly Building Materials

    We intend to utilize sustainable materials that minimize environmental impact, enhance durability, and promote healthier living environments.

  • Rainwater Harvesting

    In future projects, we hope to implement rainwater collection systems for landscaping and non-potable uses, ensuring resource efficiency and reducing waste.

Impact Statistics

Join Us Today!

Are you ready to make a difference? Whether through donations, volunteering, or partnerships, your support helps us continue our mission of building a brighter future for those in need. Together, we can create more affordable housing solutions and ensure that everyone has a place to call home.